Financial Planning + Sustainable Wealth Management

Partnering with our clients to plan for + realize their life goals sustainably.

Our team has 37 years of experience partnering with clients as a fee-only investment advisor and fiduciary, always placing your best interests ahead of our own. Unlike many advisors, we do not collect commissions or transaction fees from anything we do, eliminating conflicts of interest. Viento cares deeply about the environment, and we believe that meeting your financial goals can be done sustainably. In service of that, we favor fossil fuel free investments:

  • Clean Solar and Wind Energy

  • Clean Water Resources

  • Clean Technology

  • Low Carbon Footprint Businesses

  • Businesses that maximize environmental advantages and minimize environmental risks

  • Businesses that support energy efficiency and emissions reductions

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”

— Amelia Earhart

Our Services

Fee-only Financial Planning

We do not sell any products, ever. This ensures that sales incentives will not bias our recommendations. Your goals are our goals, and we always act as a fiduciary.

Fee-only Investment Management

We are always keeping an eye on your accounts and earn zero commissions, ever. We manage your investments toward your own personal goals. Our fee is based upon a percentage of the total value of all of your accounts in aggregate.